Refreshing Stevia Lemonade Recipe HCG Phase 2 and 3

Stevia Lemonade Recipe for HCG Diet Phase 2 and 3

Stevia Lemonade Recipe HCG Phase 2 Glass of Stevia Lemonade with lemon slice in glassOne of the best ways to keep hydrated, refreshed  and on track with your weight loss on the HCG Diet Phase 2 is to drink a lot of water throughout the day.  Drinking a lot of water on Phase 2 helps to flush the fat and toxins from your body during the weight loss process.  

During the metabolism boosting low calorie phase, the hCG is most active and flushing the fat from your system at an incredible rate. It is recommended that you drink 8-10 glasses of pure  water every day while on HCG Phase 2.  Adding fresh lemon and extra flavor to their water can be helpful for dieters who are used to drinking soda’s, juices, and other sweet drinks.

Lemon juice is well known by health and wellness professionals to be one of the most alkalizing and detoxifying juices.  A glass of Stevia Lemonade is a perfect addition to your P2 hCG diet detox.  Below, find my delicious and refreshing Stevia Lemonade Recipe for Phase 2 and 3 along with some deliciously fun modifications I came up with.  The original recipe is from my bestselling HCG Diet Gourmet Cookbook Vol. 1  Enjoy!

Stevia Lemonade Recipe   ♥Basic Recipe♥

IngredientsLemon and cut lemon on table to make Stevia Lemonade Recipe

8 ounces purified water

1-2 Tbs. Lemon Juice

Lemon slices for garnish

Crushed Ice

Stevia to taste


Squeeze lemon juice with Stevia into a tall lass and add crushed ice and serve.  For a deeper, tangier flavor, include the rind and allow your Stevia Lemonade to steep and chill for at least 10 minutes.  Serve and enjoy!

Did you know?

 ♥You are allowed the juice of one whole lemon per day on the HCG Phase 2♥

Per Dr. A.T.W. Simeons in Pounds and Inches, A New Approach to Obesity

Stevia Lemonade Recipe  ♥More Recipe Ideas♥

You can make some modifications to your Stevia lemonade recipe to make it even more delicious and satisfying.

  • Add crushed strawberries to make Strawberry Lemonade
  • Add fresh mint to your Stevia lemonade (lightly crushed and steeped for 30 minutes in the refrigerator)
  • Freeze, then whiz up in a blender for an Iced treat
  • Add ionic trace minerals.  Adding sodium free, trace minerals won’t stall your weight loss with the hCG diet, have tremendous health benefits and add a refreshing flavor to your Stevia lemonade.


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4 Responses to Refreshing Stevia Lemonade Recipe HCG Phase 2 and 3

  1. ANDREA LAUBER January 20, 2015 at 7:55 pm #

    Hi Tammy,

    I am glad your books have been published and are so successful. You may not remember me or my Mom, but you were her Physical Therapist after her reconstructive arm surgery after she was mugged. I,also, followed your advice re: HCG protocol. Worked great! Loved your recipe e-book also…..Mom and I send you our regards! Happy New Year!

    • Tammy January 20, 2015 at 8:42 pm #

      Andrea! Of course I remember you and your Mom! I would love to talk to you and see how you’re doing and give my love to your Mom. Send me a private message with your phone number and let’s catch up! I’m so glad the hCG protocol worked for you and that the recipes helped. Happy New Year! 2015 is going to be amazing.

  2. Riana Thurston February 19, 2019 at 11:03 pm #

    Hi Tammy. Love your cookbooks! Quick question about this lemonade. I am currently on Day 2 of Phase 2 of the diet, but I am not a great water drinker by nature. What are your thoughts on making this in a large pitcher and just drink from that throughout the day? Is that okay to do or is that frowned upon?

    Thank you!

    • Tammy February 21, 2019 at 11:21 pm #

      Thanks Riana! Absolutely Yes! You can make a big pitcher of lemonade and drink it throughout the day. I recommend it. You are allowed the juice of one full lemon on P2. Lemon is also very alkalizing and detoxifying. I believe it actually helps weight loss. All the best to you!

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