HCG Diet Phase 3 Information What You Need to Know

Reading Food labels for HCG Phase 3

Read Food Labels


HCG Diet Phase 3 Information

Many HCG Dieters get just a tiny bit nervous when they make that transition to P3.  They worry that they won’t stabilize their weight loss, have questions about what to eat, and many times eat too little or the wrong kinds of foods and don’t get the best results from their diet.  This article offers HCG Diet Phase 3 Information to help you make the most out of your Phase 3 and help you stabilize and keep the weight off.

Eat fresh, whole foods, vegetables, and plenty of protein

When transitioning to P3, choosing the right foods is very important.  You can enjoy a much more varied diet on Phase 3 of course with the addition of more vegetable choices and even some fresh fruit.  Make sure to eat high quality protein, lots of nutrient dense greens and vegetables, healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, and real butter and lower glycemic fruits like berries, apples, and others in moderation.  Avoid all starchy vegetables like potatoes, parsnips, and winter squash and obvious starches like wheat, rice, beans, and corn.

Be careful eating very sweet fruit and avoid dried fruits

It’s important to be aware when transitioning to P3 that eating too much of certain kinds of fruits can sabotage your stabilization efforts.  Not all people can tolerate a lot of fruit on Phase 3 but that doesn’t mean that you have to avoid it, just enjoy it in moderate amounts.  Depending on how your body handles the natural sugars in fruit will guide how much of it you can eat and when you are tracking your weight, you can get a pretty good idea of what foods cause you to gain or prevent stabilization.

Pay attention to which foods cause you to gain weight during HCG Phase 3

Best advice I can give for HCG Phase 3 is to pay attention to what foods cause you to gain or go above that 2 pound mark.  Not paying attention can result in difficulty stabilizing or cause you to have to do multiple steak days.  You may be sensitive to some foods or eating foods that contain hidden starchy or sugary ingredients.  Once you know which foods help you stabilize and which make you gain on P3, you can adjust and modify your diet to only include foods that support your weight loss efforts.

Read food labels and watch for hidden sugars and starches

Learning to read food labels can help you avoid the hidden sugars and starches found prevalently in prepared and processed food.  Many additives to processed food and even condiments have hidden sugars.  You can often identify them because they end in “ose”.  Dextrose, maltose, fructose, and sucrose are some examples of the sugars included in many processed foods.  It is important to check the ingredients list and avoid foods that contain sugars like honey and molasses.  Be aware of how much fiber and carbohydrate a food contains and if it contains high carbohydrates in relation to protein and fiber… avoid it.

Monitor your weight during the stabilization process

One of the most important things to remember during HCG Phase 3 is to stay within the range of 2 pounds.  Daily weighing during the critical three weeks on P3 is important.  Make sure to do a Steak Day if you go above 2 pounds of your LIW (Last injection Weight).  Once you are on maintenance it is wise to continue checking your weight periodically but you can drop your frequency to once a week and remember to give yourself a break if

Resume your favorite exercise routine

A question many dieters have is Feel free to resume your favorite workout routine once you reach P3.  Whether you enjoy yoga, swimming, hiking, or gym workouts, P3 is the perfect time to get back into the healthy habit of regularly getting some exercise.

Drink plenty of water

No matter what phase of the HCG Diet you are on, make sure to drink plenty of water.  Water is essential for good health, flushing toxins released during the weight loss process, and keeping you hydrated.  Drink at least 8-10 glasses of pure water per day.

I hope that this HCG Diet Phase 3 information helps you stabilize and achieve your weight loss goals.  All the best with your diet!













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