Happy Autumn from HCGRecipes.com


Happy Autumn from HCGRecipes.com

So it’s official and the Autumn season begins. It’s time to pull out the sweaters and scarves and get ready for falling leaves and perhaps…. ?…. your next round of HCG? Or perhaps you’ve just finished up a round on the HCG Phase and are a bit nervous about Stabilizing and Maintaining through all the Holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving. We’re here to help! I’d like to give you a little preview of some of the things we’ll be sharing with you through the month of October here on the website and in our free newsletter.

We’ll be sharing some Halloween Treat Recipes for the HCG Phase 2 and some delicious Stabilization Phase 3 Recipes that I believe will be just the thing to ward off the cravings and temptations of the season. Also up in the month of October will be some money saving tips and tricks for your wardrobe and a word about detoxing and cleansing, such a vital part of getting healthy and living a vibrant lifestyle.

So wherever you are with your diet, as you head into this Autumn Season, I encourage you to focus on all the things about Autumn and your life that make you smile. Colored leaves, special holidays with family and friends, and of course The amazing positive and healthy changes you are making today that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

All the Best,
Tammy Skye  www.hcgrecipes.com


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