Holiday Diet Tips: Surviving the Holidays on the HCG Diet

Holiday Diet Tips Survive the Holidays (food wise, at least!) Healthy Eating Through the Holidays Program Chocolate Cupcakes on Silver Tray

Holiday Diet Tips – Surviving the Holidays

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!!

Well, there are a few brave souls out there who are steadfastly and determinedly dieting through the holidays.  I respect and am just utterly floored by the fortitude and sheer willpower it takes to be on the HCG Diet (particularly P2)  surrounded by the temptations of the season.  So I thought I would share some of my favorite HCG holiday dieting tips.

Surviving the Holidays on the HCG Diet


Cook up your chicken with a side of savory sage and apple stuffing (sage, chopped apple, a little onion, garlic powder, chicken broth, and 1 crushed melba toast).  It’s not turkey but it gives you some of the flavors of the holidays.

Sip hot teas or sparkling mineral water with lemon at holiday parties

Bring your own food.  Hopefully your family will understand and heat and serve your P2 meal gracefully.

Don’t cheat.  Cheating on P2 can cause massive weight gain without scheduling a planned interruption.

I don’t recommend it, however it is possible to have a planned interruption on P2 where you stop your hcg 72 hours in advance and then get right back on the next day.  You will lose several days of weight loss and quite probably gain but some dieters have chosen this rather than miss a special event.  Just expect that this will set you back on achieving your weight loss goals.

For P2, keep apple slices dusted with cinnamon with you for a snack if you get hungry.

Treat yourself to a Hot Caramel Apple Pie (from my P2 cookbook with over 200 recipes for P2 at


On P3 you must avoid all sugars and starches.  P3 is the time when your body’s metabolism resets itself so it is critical that you stay true to the diet.  You can find ways to enjoy most holiday favorites without the starch and sugar.

Make or bring your own P3 dishes to a family gathering.  If you are on P3 you will be able to enjoy the turkey and if you bring one or two dishes that are starch and sugar free you will still be able to enjoy the tasty side dishes.  Good side dishes to bring or make would be P3 mashed cheddar cauliflower or green bean casserole.

Serve up a sugar free creamy fruit salad as a P3 dessert.  Add some whipped cream, vanilla, and stevia to mixed fresh fruit.  Toss in some sliced almonds or walnuts and you have a decadent dessert.

For P3, Enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail.  If having a mixed drink or cocktail, avoid sweet mixers and choose sparkling water and lemon or low sugar juice like tomato juice, vegetable cocktail, or Bloody Mary Mix.

Serve Celery sticks with Cream cheese dip or Turkey/provolone/olive wraps as a tasty P3 friendly  hors d’oeuvres.

Most of all… Celebrate this special time of year!  Remember… the most important part of the holidays is spending time with family and friends.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed this article on Surviving the Holidays on the HCG Diet!

Happy Holidays to you all!


P.S.  Check out my new program Healthy Eating Through the Holidays, a three month Holiday Wellness program with tips and strategies for eating healthy and maintaining your weight through the most challenging time of year… the Holiday Season.

This program offers delicious holiday recipes, motivational emails, a monthly webinar and email support for anyone trying to eat well, maintain weight, and stay healthy through the Holidays.  Note:  This program is for EVERYONE!  Not just HCG Dieters (Although you guys are special and can write me with HCG Diet questions too)  For more information:  Contact Us

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