HCG Maintenance – 5 MORE HCG Diet Tips to Help Maintain Your Weight

HCG Diet Maintenance Phase 5 Tips to Maintain Your Weight Loss

I’ve been working on the HCG Diet Gourmet Maintenance Cookbook and have started to address what so many HCG Dieters are worried about. How do I maintain my weight after the HCG Diet? Maintaining weight after the HCG Phase 2 can be a bit challenging sometimes without addressing the core issues of lifestyle. I don’t want to scare anyone. Don’t feel like you have to change everything overnight, give up all the foods you love and certainly don’t stress about change itself. Just take it one step at a time. Make small, reasonable changes, switch from an unhealthy product to a healthier one. On the HCG Maintenance (Phase 4), just eating real, natural, whole food and getting rid of the processed food can help you feel better and Maintain your weight loss easier.

5 HCG Maintenance Tips

Drink Plenty of Water

We all know that it’s important on the HCG Phase of the Diet that water is important. It is just as important on the Maintenance Phase. Drinking plenty of water as part of a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important things you can do. Getting plenty of water is essential to life and helps to flush out toxins and keep the cells of your body hydrated. I recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces of pure water daily in addition to any other beverages you consume.

Eat Plenty of High Quality Protein

Choose quality proteins and dairy. Ideally organic due to the hormones and conditions many commercially produced animals are subjected to. Beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, seafood, goats milk and other dairy. Enjoy High quality whey protein, rice protein, and egg white protein powders which can be added to smoothies and other recipes. High quality tofu and tempeh can be enjoyed in moderation but overall too much soy particularly processed soy is generally not good for you

Choose the right kinds of Fats

It is my opinion that fats are an important part of a healthy diet. Some of my favorites include Olive oil, coconut oil, real butter, flax seed oil, grapeseed oil, sesame oil, Avocado oil, walnut oil and high Omega 3 oils like fish oils to your diet. I recommend choosing oils that are naturally and gently processed and minimally refined to help maintain the integrity of the oil and nutrients.

Reduce or eliminate processed sugar

Reducing or eliminating sugar in your diet can be the key to Keeping weight off on the HCG Maintenance Phase and improving your health overall. It has been found that sucrose and fructose (such as found in high fructose corn syrup) are processed much differently in the body than other foods which break down into glucose in the body. Eating too much processed sugar can lead to Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Leptin Resistance, and Obesity.

Eat Organic Choosing foods that are organically raised or processed can help you to avoid many of the chemical pesticides, hormones, and additives that many commercially processed foods contain

Learn to read food labels

This is perhaps one of the most important HCG Diet Maintenance tips to help you maintain your weight loss long term. Learning to read food labels can help you to shop for foods that are healthy and natural and avoid unnecessary added sugar and artificial ingredients and sweeteners. Sugar names on food labels show up ending in “ose” Like Dextrose, Maltose, etc. Other items to avoid are excitotoxins like MSG and Aspartame. All the artificial sweeteners and chemical ingredients are typically flat out bad for you but when reading food labels, if it has a chemical sounding hard to pronounce name then it’s usually to be avoided.

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