10 Tips for Phase 4 the HCG Maintenance Phase

HCG Maintenance Phase Weight Loss on Scale

So many dieters entering HCG Maintenance Phase, (HCG Phase 4) have questions on how to maintain their weight after the HCG Diet is over.  HCG Dieters want to know;  What kinds of foods can I eat?  Do I have to spend hours in the gym to maintain my weight?  Do I have to count calories on the HCG Maintenance Phase? Why can’t maintaining my weight be easy?

The truth is, once you reach HCG Phase 4, there are so many more options, food choices, and healthy food hacks that help you enjoy healthier versions of just about all of your favorite foods.  But … eating fewer carbs and whole foods isn’t the only consideration for weight maintenance on Phase 4.  Making better food choices and implementing just a few of these 10 tips into your daily life can help you get healthier and maintain your weight easier and better than you ever thought possible.

10 Tips for HCG Maintenance Phase 4

1.  Choose whole, healthy, home cooked food whenever possible.

2.  Minimize or avoid sugar as much as possible on the HCG Maintenance Phase.  Substitute all natural stevia.  It comes in great flavors and can satisfy that sweet tooth.

3.  Choose high fiber carbs.

4.  Take digestive enzymes and chew your food thoroughly

5.  Enjoy a green drink, whole food vitamins, Omega oils, and other healthy supplements

6.  Eat a big breakfast and a light dinner

7.  Get some regular exercise (Walking is one of the best)

8.  Drink a lot of water (Half your body weight in ounces)

9.  Avoid artificial sweeteners and ingredients

10.  Cook with coconut oil, olive oil, and real butter.

Note:  These HCG diet maintenance tips are based on healthy food and lifestyle choices, please check with your physician or health care provider if you have questions or concerns before dieting, supplementing or starting an exercise program.

Hope this is helpful to you all!  I’ve been there, made all the mistakes, and here I am maintaining a full 2 years after the diet.  It can be done, you can do it, and I wish you all the best.

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8 Responses to 10 Tips for Phase 4 the HCG Maintenance Phase

  1. Raph February 22, 2010 at 4:06 am #

    Started P2 a week ago, doing fine, but wondering about a cookbook for P3? I’m using your “HCG dieter gourmet cookbook” for P2 and it’s great, anything like that for P3?

    • Tammy February 22, 2010 at 9:44 pm #

      Hi Raph,

      I’m actually working on a P3 cookbook and also a Shirataki noodle cookbook that will be really good for P3. Best advice I can give you is to stick to a basic low carb/atkins style diet on P3. Make sure to eat normal calories though (based on your height and activity level) and healthy fats, cheese, some nuts, fruits and vegetables. Avoid the starchy vegetables like baked squash, corn, potatoes, and super sweet fruits or simply too many of them. Watch out also for hidden sugars and additives in things like dressings, restaurant foods etc. Good luck to you! I’m so glad you are enjoying the recipes in my P2 cookbook!

  2. Raph February 23, 2010 at 3:23 am #

    I appreciate the support, thanks Tammy!

  3. Nancy January 6, 2011 at 3:46 pm #

    I Tammy – hope all is well with you! I have a question about steak days. I’ve had to do several this time (after my second HCG phase). Does the protien have to be steak or would other sources of protien work as well on a steak day?

    • Tammy January 14, 2011 at 4:30 pm #

      I recommend steak in keeping with the Dr. Simeons protocol. That said, there are a lot of dieters who say it doesn’t matter. I’m not sure about the science behind the steak day but have always remained a purist for the most part. I’ve been asked “Why just these vegetables? and not artichoke hearts and broccoli?” Dr. S did all of that trial and error and found that these certain proteins, fruits, and vegetables work best. Now, here in the modern age we have found that some products like egg white stevia sweetened protein shakes and shirataki noodles work for most people on the diet without issue so over time we may continue to be a little flexible and test the edges occasionally but that is up to the individual to take that chance.

  4. Rebecca July 31, 2011 at 10:30 pm #

    Hi Tammy,
    I’m so grateful for your book and just found your blog. I’m a chef and was worried at first that I’d never make it because my meals were so boring, but you’ve really opened my eyes! I’m wondering about maintenance-I saw your post about real butter and I’ve always been a proponent of real fats and high quality fats like coconut oil, butter, EVOO etc. Also, full fat dairy. Since this diet is so low fat, I’m wondering if I’ll need to suck it up and switch to low fat dairy? Or will a more low-carb lifestyle enable me to enjoy real fats? Thanks for your thought!

  5. billie crawfotd August 18, 2011 at 2:52 pm #

    How n where can I sign up for ur rss feed, when I click on rss, it’d just stuff you’ve said, nowhere to sign up, help!!!!!

    • Tammy August 31, 2011 at 6:40 pm #

      Our RSS feed isn’t set up at this time but you can always go to my website and sign up for the newsletter. Just go to http://www.HCGRecipes.com and enter your information on the right side of the page. I send out recipes, tips, etc. and you can always easily unsubscribe at any time.

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