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Tempted to Cheat on the HCG Diet? 6 Ways to Avoid Cheating on your Phase 2

Hey, it happens.  We all get tempted sometimes on the HCG Diet.  As an HCG dieter, you know that the HCG Diet is very strict and the food choices are restricted and limiting.  When temptation strikes, you need the tools and the will to move forward and stick with your diet in order to be […]

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New P2 HCG Diet Gourmet Cookbook Coming soon, get on the list!

Hi Everyone, I’m happy to announce that a new P2 HCG Diet Gourmet Cookbook is almost ready to release.  I’m starting to take Pre-orders now (You won’t actually buy the book until it is released) and people on the pre-order list will be able to purchase the book very inexpensively.  The low price is only […]

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